A handbag is more than a mere space for you to store and carry your belongings. A bag is an important accessory as it defines your fashion sense and your style. People tend to assess your personality and fashion sense based on your bag and outfit. From a tiny clutch up to an extra size tote bag, each bag represents a different yet unique personality. A picture speaks a thousand words, a right bag speaks your inner self.
The Hand-bag
When it comes to handbags such as Hermes Birkin and Kelly, there are a few ways to carry these types of bags, if you are the type of person who tends to carry your essentials by hand, you must be a fashionable yet elegant person. Better yet, the way you hold your bag gives people surrounding you a brighter glimpse of your personality. Do you tend to hold your handbag with one hand or two hands? If you are used to holding your bag with one hand, you tend to be more professional compared to the second type where you prioritize status and position over professionalism.
The Clutch
Always well prepared for an impromptu dinner or party, you tend to be a minimalist yet detailed person as you can only bring basically two extra packs of sugar after fitting your purse, phone and lipstick. However, some clutches allow you to attach or detach a removable shoulder strap which gives your overall look a little casual vibe.
The Shoulder Bag
The Shoulder bag is most probably the first choice for most people as a busy woman. Being able to multitask multiple things at the same time, you will need a classic shoulder bag such as a Chanel Classic Flap. With a shoulder bag, you are able to have both of your arms free and hold a cup of coffee with your left hand while talking on the phone with your right hand. With your shoulder bag hanging by the side, you will look like a confident yet classy woman. Meanwhile, having your shoulder bag carried in front of you covering you slightly, this will add a shade of shy and conservative idea!
The Cross-Body Bag
With the sprinkle of fun, young and cute, cross body bags explain the concept of less is always more. This is a fun size functional type of bag. The bag itself is a petite cute size yet you will still be able to carry necessary personal belongings with you. The younger generations or millennials are especially fond of these types of bags. Examples of cross body bags are such as Hermes Constance and Chanel Mini Round Black Caviar Sling Bag.