How to Check on the Authenticity of Louis Vuitton Bag?
In the world of luxury, replicas have pretty much taken over the market, especially towards Louis Vuitton, the monogram pattern is probably the most replicated pattern ever, as you can see it pretty much everywhere on the streets. In fact, expert has identified that the fake market has perfected the pattern as it is 98% identical between a real monogram and a fake monogram. So, this article will teach you how to determine an authentic Louis Vuitton bag.
Characteristics of an Authentic Louis Vuitton Bag:
With the introduction of boutique shops and online, it is increasingly easier to purchase a Louis Vuitton bag. Although it is more convenient and sometimes cheaper to purchase from these platforms, it has also created a risk where it is hard to determine the authenticity of these bags. This is especially relevant to online as it is harder to determine an authenticity through online as you would not be able to touch and feel the materials. But the risk still happens to offline shopping as some fakes are so good that you can get fooled even having it physically in front of you.
Here are the characteristics of the original Louis Vuitton bag.
High-Quality Material:
One of the main distinctions is the material of the product. Especially for bags like LV Never full or LV Keep all, these bags are costly to produce as the material and structure is hard to replicate. The leather parts are one of the materials that you should pay more attention to especially when buying a pre-loved bag. As the leather is a natural cowhide leather, it creates a patina effect when it is met with moisture from uses which creates a beautiful color changing effect. Not only that, it is also the touch and feel of the leather. Usually, for a brand-new Louis Vuitton bags, due to the unaged leather, it will be a little stiffer but as times goes on, the leather will cater to how to user use it. For instance, some parts like the strap or handle will be softer due to consistent use.
Placement of Monogram:
The LV monogram is probably the most used pattern that Louis Vuitton uses, from bags to clothing to accessories, it is pretty much their bread and butters. Although as mentioned earlier, it is 98% authentical between the real and fakes, but there are still a certain area that you can focus on. Particularly, the consistency and the placement of the monogram, even if there is overlapping panels, the logo will always be consistent thorough.
The hardware is one of the area that would clearly indicates the authenticity of the Louis Vuitton bags as the process of polishing hardware takes time and effort. There are three area of hardware that you should focus on.
- Zipper
In every Louis Vuitton bag, the zipper will have.
Real |
Fake |
Clear shape and Louis Vuitton Mark |
Low quality, have a lot of glitter due to not being polished thorough. LV logo is no clear |
Polish thoroughly, even in the inside |
Countless lines caused by shortage of polish are seen there |
A clear logo engraving |
Poor Engraving |
Real |
Fake |
Plus-shape screws or star-shape screws |
Plus-shape screws are never used |
Real |
Fake |
Clear Engraving |
Poor Engraving |
Final Words:
There are tons of fake Louis Vuitton bags being produced each day, so it is important to do your research and homework to not being taken advantage of. This article has shown you most of the method an expert will use to identify the authenticity of a product.